I have some exciting news for everyone. I know everyone is staying inside these days, so chances are you’re running out of things to keep you entertained. What better way to spend part of your day than by listening to a free audiobook? Well, the audiobook version of my novelette, The Last Astronaut, has just been released, and I’ve decided to make it free!
You can download it at any of these sites:
Chirp . . . . . Google Play . . . . . Rakuten Kobo . . . . . Apple / iBooks . . . . . eStories
Kenneth Foster did a great job with the narration and Mark Andrich’s music is amazing. If you’ve read or listened to any of my other Great De-evolution stories, you know they aren’t your typical end-of-the-world tales. They are quiet and reflective, and so is The Last Astronaut.
Download a copy today. And if you enjoy it, tell all your friends and family about it and share these links with them so they can get a free copy too!
Chirp . . . . . Google Play . . . . . Rakuten Kobo . . . . . Apple / iBooks . . . . . eStories